

Non-Sequiturs: 02.22.2016

* Most lawyers have a relationship to the fictional Atticus Finch. [Guile is Good] * Is Donald Trump's popularity based, at least in part, on a critique of capitalism? Sure, he's in favor of it, but that doesn't mean he won't exploit discontent with the system to get elected. [Lawyers, Guns and Money] * Hey 1Ls! Wanna know why you aren't getting laid? Blame it on Scalia. [20 Somethings] * Burning question alert: When your work actually makes you sick, can you bill vomit time? [Daily Lawyer Tips] * TSwift is putting her money where everyone else's tweets are -- the singer donated $250,000 to Kesha after her devastating court loss, but is it enough. [Huffington Post] * Is the stalemate over who gets to appoint the next Supreme Court justice really about race? [Talking Points Memo] * Anti-gay laws may finally hurt supporters in one place they care about -- their pocketbooks. Why one business is relocating on the precipice of a new "religious liberty" law in Georgia. [Slate] * Justice Scalia's real legacy was pro-big  business. [The Atlantic]


Vatican Sues Over Pictures of Pope Sucking Face

I’m not sure it’s fair to call the Vatican “homophobic.” Homophobia contemplates a kind of fear. It’s a prejudice that, like so many, comes out of ignorance. The Vatican is different. They think they’re at war with gays and lesbians — and who knows how many of these guys are at war with their own […]


Gay Justice Could Be Coming

When I first read this headline on the ABA Journal this morning, I became very excited: Poll Finds 55% Would Support Openly Gay Justice Gay Justice? How awesome! Justice is way too straight. Basic black letter laws and stuffy proceedings. It’d be far more exciting and visually interesting if Lady Justice was a little bit […]